Awesome List Updates on Aug 04 - Aug 10, 2014
24 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Groovy
- Groovy-wslite (⭐402) - Lightweight SOAP and REST webservice clients for Groovy
- Grooscript (⭐221) - Converts your Groovy code to Javascript
Static Web
- Grain (⭐159) - Static Web Site Building Framework For Groovy
- Gaiden (⭐169) - Gaiden is a tool that makes it easy to create documentation with Markdown.
Language Utilities
- Functionalgroovy (⭐67) - Functional programming in Groovy
- Groovy-stream (⭐66) - A collection of classes to give a fluent builder for Streams (Lazy Groovy Generators)
- Flipside (⭐21) - Simple Groovy options library
2. Awesome Machine Learning
Clojure / Data Analysis
- PigPen (⭐567) - Map-Reduce for Clojure.
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- Petrel (⭐246) - Tools for writing, submitting, debugging, and monitoring Storm topologies in pure Python.
- emcee (⭐1.5k) - The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC.
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- Allen Downey’s Data Science Course (⭐44) - Code for Data Science at Olin College, Spring 2014.
- Allen Downey’s Think Bayes Code (⭐1.7k) - Code repository for Think Bayes.
- Allen Downey’s Think Complexity Code (⭐101) - Code for Allen Downey's book Think Complexity.
- Allen Downey’s Think OS Code (⭐555) - Text and supporting code for Think OS: A Brief Introduction to Operating Systems.
3. Quick Look Plugins
QLStephen (⭐2.6k)
Preview plain text files without or with unknown file extension. Example: README, CHANGELOG, index.styl, etc.
Run brew install qlstephen
or download manually (⭐2.6k)
QLMarkdown (⭐3.1k)
Preview Markdown files
Run brew install qlmarkdown
or download manually
Preview JSON files
Run brew install quicklook-json
or download manually
ProvisionQL (⭐2.1k)
Preview iOS / macOS app and provision information
Run brew install provisionql
or download manually (⭐2.1k)
4. Awesome Android
GUI / ActionBar
- ActionBarSherlock - ActionBar for older Android versions.
- FadingActionBar (⭐2.9k) - Fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app.
GUI / Navigation
- SlidingMenu (⭐11k) - Library to create applications with slide-in menus.
- PagerSlidingTabStrip (⭐121) - An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager.
5. Awesome Datascience
Facebook Accounts / Book Deals (Affiliated)
6. Es6 Tools
Parsers / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur compiler (⭐8.2k) also has built-in parser available under
- esparse (⭐115) - ES6 parser written in ES6.
7. Awesome Vagrant
- Cloud Images - "clean" official Ubuntu cloud images.
- Puppet Labs Vagrant Boxes - these boxes are provided to be used by various Puppet projects.
Notable plugins
- vagrant-host-shell (⭐116) - a vagrant provisioner to run commands on the host when a VM boots.
Helpers / Tools
- Veewee (⭐4.3k) - a tool for easily (and repeatedly) building custom Vagrant base boxes, KVMs, and virtual machine images.
Web services
- Phansible - provides an easy to use interface that helps you generate Ansible Playbooks for PHP based projects.
- PuPHPet - a simple GUI to set up virtual machines for
PHPWeb development.
8. Js Must Watch
- Ryan Dahl: Introduction to Node.js [1:06:33]
- John-David Dalton: Lo-Dash [25:08]
- Angus Croll: Break all the rules [31:29]
- Yehuda Katz: A tale of two MVC's [31:06]
- Neil Green: Writing Custom DSLs [29:07]
9. Awesome Fortran
- Ftunit - Fortran unit testing framework by Arjen Markus
10. Critical Path Css Tools
- dr-css-inliner (⭐81) - PhantomJS script to inline above-the-fold CSS on a page.
11. Awesome Cakephp
CakePHP Videos
- CakePHP - Channel about CakePHP videos.
CakePHP Internals Reading
- Top 10 (and more) core contributors (⭐8.7k) - Give 'em a hand.
12. Awesome Laravel
Community / Videos
Jobs / Meetups
Guidelines / Meetups
- Please make an individual pull request for each suggestion
13. Sublime Bookmarks
Extensions / General Purpose
- StyleToken (⭐48) — allows to highlight certain pieces of text with different colors (similar to Notepad++ "Style token" functionality).
- Synesthesia (⭐17) — a plugin for highlighting text with pretty colours.
14. Awesome R
Parallel Computing
- Rmpi - Rmpi provides an interface (wrapper) to MPI APIs. It also provides interactive R slave environment.
Language API
- rJava - Low-level R to Java interface.
- rJython - R interface to Python via Jython.
- rPython - Package allowing R to call Python.
- runr (⭐87) - Run Julia and Bash from R.
- RJulia (⭐145) - R package Call Julia.
- R.matlab - Read and write of MAT files together with R-to-MATLAB connectivity.
- RSPerl - A bidirectional interface for calling R from Perl and Perl from R.
Natural Language Processing
- tm - A comprehensive text mining framework for R.
- openNLP - Apache OpenNLP Tools Interface.
- koRpus - An R Package for Text Analysis.
- zipfR - Statistical models for word frequency distributions.
15. Awesome Unity
- Catlike Coding - Tutorials designed for learning the C# scripting side of Unity.
- Official Video Tutorials - The official tutorials for scripting, animation, audio, and almost anything Unity related.
16. Awesome Haskell
Tutorials / Video Tutorials
17. Awesome Beacon
iBeacon for Developers
Stackoverflow Q&A
18. Awesome Cpp
Online Compiler
- codepad - An online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool.
- Ideone - An online compiler and debugging tool which allows you to compile source code and execute it online in more than 60 programming languages.
- Valgrind - A tool for memory debugging, memory leak detection, and profiling.
Static Code Analysis
- Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis. - source (⭐6k)
- OCLint - A static source code analysis tool to improve quality and reduce defects for C, C++ and Objective-C. - source (⭐3.8k)
- - The C++ Resources Network.
19. Awesome Perl
Class Builder / DSP
- Class::Accessor::Lite - Simple accessor generator.
- Class::Accessor::Lite::Lazy - Generate lazy accessors.
- Mouse - Yet another class builder like Moo/Moose.
Database / DSP
- DBIx::Handler - Fork-safe DBI handler
Profiling / NoSQL Databases
- Devel::KYTProf - Very light profiler for I/Os such as HTTP request-responses and SQL queries.
Template Engines / NoSQL Databases
- Tiffany - Generic interface for template engines. It makes it easy to use multiple template engines.
20. Awesome Javascript
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- thorax (⭐1.3k) - Strengthening your Backbone.
- chaplin (⭐2.9k) - An architecture for JavaScript applications using the Backbone.js library.
- marionette (⭐7.1k) - A composite application library for Backbone.js that aims to simplify the construction of large scale JavaScript applications.
Functional Programming / Runner
- mout (⭐1.3k) - Modular JavaScript Utilities.
Control Flow / Runner
- Bluebird (⭐20k) - fully featured promise library with focus on innovative features and performance.
Voice Command / Runner
- annyang (⭐6.6k) - A JavaScript library for adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition.
- voix.js (⭐567) - A JavaScript library to add voice commands to your sites, apps or games.
API / Runner
- bottleneck (⭐1.8k) - A powerful rate limiter that makes throttling easy.
- oauth-signature-js (⭐232) - JavaScript OAuth 1.0a signature generator for node and the browser.
21. Awesome Bigdata
- Apache Hadoop - framework for distributed processing. Integrates MapReduce (parallel processing), YARN (job scheduling) and HDFS (distributed file system).
Distributed Programming
- AddThis Hydra (⭐438) - distributed data processing and storage system originally developed at AddThis.
- Apache DataFu - collection of user-defined functions for Hadoop and Pig developed by LinkedIn.
- DataTorrent StrAM - real-time engine is designed to enable distributed, asynchronous, real time in-memory big-data computations in as unblocked a way as possible, with minimal overhead and impact on performance.
Document Data Model
- Facebook Apollo - Facebook’s Paxos-like NoSQL database.
Key-value Data Model
- Oracle NoSQL Database - distributed key-value database by Oracle Corporation.
Graph Data Model
- Gremlin (⭐1.9k) - graph traversal Language.
- Infovore (⭐148) - RDF-centric Map/Reduce framework.
NewSQL Databases
- Actian Ingres - commercially supported, open-source SQL relational database management system.
- Cockroach (⭐27k) - Scalable, Geo-Replicated, Transactional Datastore.
- Datomic - distributed database designed to enable scalable, flexible and intelligent applications.
- FoundationDB - distributed database, inspired by F1.
- Oracle TimesTen in-Memory Database - in-memory, relational database management system with persistence and recoverability.
Time-Series Databases
- OpenTSDB - distributed time series database on top of HBase.
SQL-like processing
- RainstorDB - database for storing petabyte-scale volumes of structured and semi-structured data.
- Trafodion - enterprise-class SQL-on-HBase solution targeting big data transactional or operational workloads.
Data Ingestion
- Heka (⭐3.4k) - open source stream processing software system.
- LinkedIn White Elephant (⭐190) - log aggregator and dashboard.
Service Programming
- Spotify Luigi (⭐17k) - a Python package for building complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization, handling failures, command line integration, and much more.
- Apache Oozie - workflow job scheduler.
- PUMA Benchmarking - benchmark suite for MapReduce applications.
- Apache Sentry - security module for data stored in Hadoop.
System Deployment
- Brooklyn - library that simplifies application deployment and management.
- Apache OODT - capturing, processing and sharing of data for NASA's scientific archives.
Search engine and framework
- HBase Coprocessor - implementation of Percolator, part of HBase.
- Lily HBase Indexer - quickly and easily search for any content stored in HBase.
PostgreSQL forks and evolutions
- HadoopDB - hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS.
- IBM Netezza - high-performance data warehouse appliances.
- Postgres-XL - Scalable Open Source PostgreSQL-based Database Cluster.
- RecDB - Open Source Recommendation Engine Built Entirely Inside PostgreSQL.
- Stado - open source MPP database system solely targeted at data warehousing and data mart applications.
Memcached forks and evolutions
- Twemproxy (⭐12k) - A fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis.
Embedded Databases
- Actian PSQL - ACID-compliant DBMS developed by Pervasive Software, optimized for embedding in applications.
Data Visualization
- Cytoscape - JavaScript library for visualizing complex networks.
- Freeboard (⭐6.4k) - pen source real-time dashboard builder for IOT and other web mashups.
- Google Charts - simple charting API.
- Peity (⭐4.2k) - Progressive SVG bar, line and pie charts.
2011 - 2012
- 2012 - Twitter - The Unified Logging Infrastructure for Data Analytics at Twitter.
22. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Text
- i18n-node (⭐3.1k) - Simple translation module with dynamic JSON storage.
Packages / Math
- mathjs (⭐14k) - An extensive math library.
Packages / Compression
- tar-stream (⭐416) - Streaming tar parser and generator. Also see tar-fs (⭐351).
23. Awesome Ocaml
Code Analysis and Linters
- Mascot - Mascot is a style-checker for OCaml sources.
Formal Software Verification
- Why3 – Why3 is a platform for deductive program verification. It provides a rich language for specification and programming, called WhyML, and relies on external theorem provers, both automated and interactive, to discharge verification conditions.
- Alt-Ergo – Alt-Ergo is an open-source SMT solver dedicated to the proof of mathematical formulas generated in the context of program verification.
- camlPDF (⭐201) – OCaml library for reading, writing and modifying PDF files.
24. Awesome D
- D Template Tutorial (⭐229) - A tutorial dedicated to D Templates. Very good explanation about templates. Has pdf version. by Philippe Sigaud.
Blogs / Bare metal / kernel development
- Planet D - A repository of co-authored D-specific blogs maintained by Vladimir Panteleev.
- Prev: Aug 11 - Aug 17, 2014
- Next: Jul 28 - Aug 03, 2014