Awesome List Updates on Nov 25, 2014
1 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
ORM/ODM Extensions
- Social
- Merit (⭐1.5k) - Adds reputation behavior to Rails apps in the form of Badges, Points, and Rankings for ActiveRecord or Mongoid.
- PublicActivity (⭐3k) - Provides easy activity tracking for your ActiveRecord, Mongoid 3 and MongoMapper models in Rails 3 and 4. Similar to Github's Public Activity.
- Simple Feed (⭐333) - Fast and highly scalable read-optimized social activity feed library in pure Ruby, backed by Redis.
- Unread (⭐742) - Manage read/unread status of ActiveRecord objects - and it's fast.
- Sorting
- ActsAsList (⭐2.1k) - Provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list.
- positioning (⭐236) - Simple positioning for Active Record models. Supports multiple lists per model and relative positioning.
- ranked-model (⭐1.1k) - A modern row sorting library for ActiveRecord. It uses ARel aggressively and is better optimized than most other libraries.
- Tree
- ActsAsTree (⭐588) - Extends ActiveRecord to add simple support for organizing items into parent–children relationships.
- ActsAsRecursiveTree (⭐73) - ActsAsTree but recursive.
- Ancestry (⭐3.7k) - Organise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure using a variation on the materialised path pattern.
- Awesome Nested Set (⭐2.4k) - Awesome Nested Set is an implementation of the nested set pattern for ActiveRecord models.
- Closure Tree (⭐1.8k) - Easily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord models support hierarchies using a Closure Table.
- Mongoid Tree (⭐302) - A tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern.
- Mongoid Search (⭐318) - Simple full text search implementation for Mongoid.
- SearchCop (⭐828) - Extends your ActiveRecord models to support fulltext search engine like queries via simple query strings and hash-based queries.
- textacular (⭐946) - Exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, and allows you to declare full text indexes. Textacular extends ActiveRecord with named_scope methods making searching easy and fun!
State Machines
- FiniteMachine (⭐808) - A plain Ruby state machine with a straightforward and expressive syntax.
- Prev: Nov 26, 2014
- Next: Nov 23, 2014