Awesome List Updates on Oct 29, 2014
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
Admin Interface
- ActiveAdmin - A Ruby on Rails framework for creating elegant backends for website administration.
Machine Learning
- rb-libsvm (⭐278) - Ruby language bindings for LIBSVM. SVM is a machine learning and classification algorithm.
- Numerical arrays
- NMatrix (⭐470) - Fast numerical linear algebra library for Ruby.
- Numo::NArray (⭐418) - N-dimensional Numerical Array for Ruby.
- mdarray (⭐36) - Multi dimensional array implemented for JRuby inspired by NumPy.
- SciRuby (⭐996) - Tools for scientific computation in Ruby/Rails.
- IRuby (⭐902) - A Ruby kernel for Jupyter.
- statsample (⭐95) - A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby.
- statsample-timeseries (⭐13) - Bioruby Statsample TimeSeries.
- statsample-glm (⭐23) - Generalized Linear Models extension for Statsample.
- distribution (⭐50) - Statistical Distributions multi library wrapper.
- minimization (⭐16) - Minimization algorithms on pure Ruby.
- Specific
- BioRuby (⭐378) - Library for developing bioinformatics software.
- bloomfilter-rb (⭐473) - BloomFilter(s) in Ruby: Native counting filter + Redis counting/non-counting filters.
- decisiontree (⭐1.4k) - A ruby library which implements ID3 (information gain) algorithm for decision tree learning.
2. Awesome Dart
Game Development
- Ranger (⭐25) - A game engine centered around HTML5 Canvas and a scene graph.
3. Awesome Javascript
Misc / Other
4. Awesome Dojo
Applications / Dojo 2
- Scripted - Scripted is a fast and lightweight code editor with an initial focus on JavaScript editing
5. Awesome Hadoop
- Apache Slider - Apache Slider is a project in incubation at the Apache Software Foundation with the goal of making it possible and easy to deploy existing applications onto a YARN cluster.
- Apache Twill - Apache Twill is an abstraction over Apache Hadoop® YARN that reduces the complexity of developing distributed applications, allowing developers to focus more on their application logic.
Data Ingestion and Integration
- Apache Sqoop - Apache Sqoop
- Apache Kafka - Apache Kafka
- Prev: Oct 30, 2014
- Next: Oct 28, 2014