Awesome List Updates on Oct 27, 2014
3 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
Database Drivers
- SQLite3 (⭐795) - Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database.
- ActiveRecord (⭐57k) - Object-relational mapping in Rails.
- Streamio FFMPEG (⭐1.7k) - Simple yet powerful wrapper around the ffmpeg command for reading metadata and transcoding movies.
2. Awesome Talks
Software Development
- The Mess We're In by Joe Armstrong (Strange Loop 2014) [45:49]
- Spotify Engineering Culture - Part 2 by Spotify Training & Development (Spotify 2014) [13:27]
3. Awesome Dojo
Serverside integrations / Dojo 2
- Node.js
- dojo-node (⭐7) - Lightwave Dojo wrapper for Node.js
- Dojos (⭐11) - Server side dojo on NodeJS
- Node.js integration - Tutorial how to use Dojo and Node.js
- Dojo & Composer (⭐3) - custom Composer installers for zoop packages including Dojo
- Dojo & Symfony PHP framework - integrating Dojo Toolkit with Symfony PHP framework
- Dojo & Zend PHP framework - integrating Dojo Toolkit with Zend Framework through DojoModule
- Prev: Oct 28, 2014
- Next: Oct 26, 2014