Awesome List Updates on Jul 19, 2014
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Bigdata
Business Intelligence
- Chartio - lean business intelligence platform to visualize and explore your data.
2. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Testing
- loadtest (⭐2.6k) - Run load tests for your web application, with an API for automation.
3. Awesome Play1
- [carbonate] Carbonate (⭐5)
Creates and runs database migrations using Hibernate schema update to automatically generate SQL to the migrations. See this blog post
- [chronostamp] Chronostamp (⭐10)
Enhances Models by adding and updating timestamp fields (created_at & updated_at).
- [db] Database module (⭐27)
 Export your Play! domain model to a DDL file and import a database into your Play! domain model.
- [jpagen] JpaGen (⭐12)
Generates JPA Entities and Composite keys (when needed) from metadata or a file containing a list of tables.
- [liquibase] Liquibase (⭐3)
Liquibase is a simple, reliable and elegant solution for database refactoring management
- [logisimayml] logisima-yml (⭐13)
Exports your database into an yml file
- [migrate] Database migration (⭐10)
Maintains database versions for your project.
- [multidb] Multiple Databases (⭐15)
Scale your application to multiple databases with a common schema.
- [capistrano] Capistrano (⭐24)
Deploys a remote application using Capistrano + SSH + VCS and run it in nohup/background mode.
- [cargo] Cargo (⭐6)
Remotely deploys your application.
- [cloudbees] CloudBees (⭐14)
Provides integration with CloudBees.
- [cloudfoundry] CloudFoundry (⭐14)
Automatically configure the database your application is deployed in In CloudFoundry.
- [dotcloud] Dotcloud (⭐11)
Deploys your application to dotcloud
- [gae] Google App Engine (⭐102)
 Creates application for the Google App Engine platform.
- [heroku] Heroku (⭐7)
Deploys your application on Heroku.
- [jelastic] Jelastic Deployment Support (⭐4)
Deploy your application in the Jelastic Platform.
- [openebay] Open eBay
Provides the basic plumbing to create an Open eBay Application
- [openshift] Openshift (⭐46)
Openshift is Red Hat’s free, auto-scaling, cloud-based platform-as-a-service for Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby applications.
- [play-gae-q42] Q42's Google App Engine (⭐3)
Maintained module for Google App Engine integration. Should be used instead of [gae]
- [playapps] is a streamlined deployment environment designed to get your Play applications up and running quickly and efficiently
- [reverseproxy] ReverseProxy (⭐8)
Configures your application to automatically switch between the HTTP and HTTPS protocols per page when used behind a front end.
- [router] Play Router Annotations (⭐16)
 Adds routes through annotations, allowing you to declare your routes in your controllers.
- [stax] Stax (⭐3)
Easy deployment to Stax cloud hosting platform (
- [vhost] VHost (⭐8)
Adds some virtual hosts functionality with separate datasource and customizable application settings for each virtual host.
- [constretto] Constretto (⭐3)
 Makes integration with the Constretto configration framework easy
- [guice] Guice
 Injects Guice managed components into your application.
- [ivy] Ivy dependency management
Manages your dependencies with apache ivy.
- [maven] Maven dependency management (⭐24)
Manages your dependencies with apache maven
- [spring] Spring (⭐40)
 Allows to use Spring managed beans inside your play! 1.x applications.
- [googleclosure] Google Closure
This module is aimed at integrating Google Closure tools with play!.
- [gwt] Google Web Toolkit
This module provides a helper to simplify the integration of a GWT UI with Play as an application server.
- [gwt2] GWT2 (⭐28)
Integrates Play with GWT
- [scala] Scala
 Play Scala enables you to use the Scala language for your application keeping key properties of the Play framework
- [scalagen] Scala Gen (⭐14)
Scala code generators for the Play! framework
- [scalasecure] Scala secure (⭐15)
This module provides basic security (authentication/ authorization) for Play applications written in Scala.
- [akka] Akka support (⭐12)
Allows you to configure akka through The Play! framework’s conf/application.conf file.
- [camel] Camel (⭐22)
A EIP + Messaging module for the Play! Framework
- [pusher] Pusher (⭐9)
This module lets you easily add realtime functionality to your Play applications with Pusher using websockets.
- [rabbitmq] RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ offers a highly available and scalable, and yet lightweight, messaging system.
- [accesslog] Accesslog (⭐6)
 A Play framework module that performs request logging similar to an access log file in nginx or apache.
- [betterlogs] BetterLogs (⭐17)
Enhances the default logs adding the class and method names, where the log has been called, its signature, the file name and the line.
- [infoplay] InfoPlay
InfoPlay is a module which gives many informations like infophp in PHP language.
- [jpastats] Jpastats (⭐5)
Record how many database queries were executed during a request
- [log4play] Log4Play (⭐23)
Provides a log4j appender which publishes log entries to an EventStream
- [play-hibernate-statistics] Hibernate statistics (⭐0)
Displays MBean Hibernate statistics
- [playerrors] Playerrors
Playerrors gathers and informs you about the errors in your production webapps, so you can fix them before your visitors get a chance to complain
- [profiler] Mini-profiler (⭐5)
Displays a mini profiler in your application
- [recordtracking] RecordTracking (⭐4)
RecordTracking unobtrusively tracks the creation, updating and elimination events regarding to records.
- [statsd] Statsd (⭐1)
The module is a wrapper over StatsD (⭐17k) which allow for dead simple statistic aggregation from within play.
- [associations] Associations (⭐8)
 This module reduces the code to manage bi-directional associations.
- [cream] JCR for Play! (⭐22)
A module that seamlessly integrates Apache Jackrabbit(JCR 2.0) with Play framework
- [ebean] EBean ORM support (⭐11)
 Adds Ebean ORM to play!. Still in very experimental phase.
- [mongo] MongoDB
Provides a simple, elegant solution for using models stored in mongodb. For a more complex use cases, please take a look at the morphia module.
- [morphia] MongoDB Integration (⭐132)
 (⭐132) Seamlessly MongoDB access integration with Play’s Model interface.
- [mybatisplay] MyBatisPlay (⭐6)
Provides support for MyBatis persistence framework.
- [neo4j] logisima-neo4j (⭐17)
Integrate neo4j database into your play! project.
- [objectify] Objectify
Objectify is a flexible abstraction on Google App Engine/J which makes data access simple and elegant
- [orientdb] OrientDB (⭐24)
OrientDB for Play! Framework
- [redis] Redis (⭐37)
 The Redis Play! module helps you easily use Redis in your Play! applications
- [s3blobs] S3Blobs (⭐30)
The S3Blobs Play Framework Module provides an easy way to read an write files from Amazon S3 from within JPA entities.
- [siena] Siena (⭐42)
 (⭐42) Enables Siena support to map your Java entities to GAE/MySQL/PostgreSQL/H2 from your play application
- [twig] Twig (⭐5)
Twig superpowers Google App Engine’s Datastore for Play applications. Get a fluid API, in-memory joins, and asynchronous queries out of the box.
- [coffee] CoffeeScript (⭐26)
 CoffeeScript is a great way to produce javascript. This module provides support for it (Java and Scala).
- [excel] Excel (⭐36)
 Template based Excel report generator
- [formee] Formee (⭐4)
Helps to write forms and add client and server side validation.
- [greenscript] Minimize javascript/css files (⭐42)
Play with your javascript/css files!
- [html5validation] HTML5 Validation
Client-side form validation based on your Play framework model annotations using HTML5 attributes.
- [jqueryui] Jqueryui (⭐3)
The jQuery UI module provides working examples of jQuery UI widgets, integrated with a Play application.
- [jqvalidate] JQuery Validation (⭐11)
Client-side form validation via jQuery, based on your model annotation
- [jqvalidation] Jqvalidation
A jquery library API for validation, supports Ajax validation (per field or per form)
- [less] Less module (⭐29)
 Converts less to CSS, and handles error reporting in your Play application
- [markdown] Markdown
 Easily bring markdown contents into your application.
- [menu] Menu (⭐10)
Eases the implementation of navigation menu.
- [navigation] Navigation
Define and display navigation menus in your Play application.
- [paginate] Paginate (⭐35)
 A replacement for #{list} tags that allows for easy pagination.
- [pdf] PDF module (⭐54)
 Renders PDF document from your HTML templates. This module is based on the YaHP Converter library.
- [pegdown] PegDown Markdown (⭐2)
Integrates the pegdown Markdown (⭐1.3k) processor with your Play application
- [press] Minimize javascript/css files (⭐32)
A JavaScript, CSS and Less minimizer that is designed to be transparent to the application developer.
- [sass] Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (⭐38)
 Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is CSS, plus nested rules, variables, mixins, and more, all in a concise, readable syntax.
- [table] Table (⭐7)
 Simplifies the code needed to display data in HTML tables.
- [tabularasa] Tabula Rasa (⭐6)
Tabula Rasa provides support for user-customisable tables in views
- [twitterbootstrap] Twitterbootstrap
Bundles up the twitter-bootstrap stylekit and the play less plugin, easing the .less files edition (changes are dynamically taken into account).
- [resteasy] RESTEasy Play! module
The RESTEasy Play! module allows you to define JAX-RS RESTful web services in the Play! Framework using RESTEasy.
- [resteasycrud] RESTEasy CRUD module
The Play! RESTEasy CRUD module which allows you to automagically generate your RESTful CRUD resources for a given model
- [swagger] Swagger (⭐6)
Creates a self-documenting meta-description for REST APIs which allows for code-gen, UI-sandbox, and test framework.
- [crudsiena] CRUD for Siena (⭐17)
Offers a fully usable web interface for your Siena Model objects with a few more features than default [crud] module.
- [play-bootstrap] Basic bootstrap scaffolding (⭐11)
Creating Bootstrap based applications (derived from the default [scaffold] module).
- [scaffold] Scaffold (⭐27)
Scaffold will generate basic scaffolding for bootstrapping a project from your JPA or Senia entities
- [elasticsearch] ElasticSearch
Elastic Search is a Distributed Search Solution based on Apache Lucene. This module provides an embedded Elastic Server instance for Rapid Development.
- [search] Search (⭐43)
 Search allows you to have basic full text search functionalities to your JPA Model. It is based on Lucene.
- [browserid] BrowserID
BrowserID is an experimental new way of signing into websites. The goal with BrowserID is to design something safe and easy for users and the developers.
- [cas] logisima-cas (⭐20)
This module is a CAS client for Play! application.
- [casino] Casino (⭐43)
This project provides a simple method to integrate sign-up and password recovery to your project
- [deadbolt] Deadbolt (⭐35)
 Deadbolt is an authorisation mechanism for defining access rights to certain controller methods or parts of a view
- [fbconnect] Facebook connect (⭐26)
Easily integrate Facebook based authentication into any Play framework application.
- [force] (⭐4)
Build Play! applications that integrates to Provides OAuth authentication and REST API adapter.
- [linkedin] LinkedIn OAuth Authentication
Easily integrate LinkedIn’s OAuth authentication into your Play Framework application
- [oauth] OAuth Client (⭐23)
This module provides tools to connect to an OAuth provider, such as Twitter or Google.
- [recaptcha] Recaptcha
 Quickly integrate challenge-response test in your applications.
- [securepermissions] Secure Permissions
Extends the defaut secure module to add permission checks based on the rules in the Seam Framework (based on Drools rules).
- [securesocial] SecureSocial
 SecureSocial allows you to add an authentication UI to your app that works with services based on OAuth1, OAuth2, OpenID and OpenID+OAuth hybrid protocols
- [shibboleth] Shibboleth (⭐7)
Allow users to login to your Play! application via Shibboleth.
- [fastergt] Faster Groovy Templates (⭐28)
 Replaces the default groovy template implementation with GT-Engine which is faster and uses less memory.
- [japid] Japid Template Engine (⭐115)
 A pure Java-based fast statically typed template engine for the Play! framework version 1.2.x.
- [mustache] Mustache (⭐11)
Allows you to define logic-less template snippets that can be used server-side in your Play! views as well as client-side in your JavaScript.
- [rythm] Rythm Template Engine (⭐21)
 (⭐21) PlayRythm is a Razor like template engine.
- [thymeleaf] Thymeleaf (⭐8)
Play framework module to use Thymeleaf 2.0 as a template engine.
- [cobertura] Cobertura (⭐12)
 Integrates with Cobertura to calculate the percentage of code accessed by tests (test coverage).
- [httpmock] HttpMock
Caches WebService requests to emulate them in order to overcome connection problems (lag, denial of service, HTTP errors) for fast developping.
- [mockito] Mockito (⭐10)
 Mockito is a mocking framework that tastes really good
- [qunit] QUnit (⭐9)
 The QUnit module provides integration of JUnit Javascript tests with the Play! Framework.
- [spocktests] Spock tests (⭐8)
Runs Spock specifications and to write BDD style tests (still wrapped as junit) with the expressive power of groovy.
- [springtester] spring tester
 Write tests that can auto-magically inject mocks (using Mockito) into Play applications wired up using the spring module.
- [tests] Alternative Test module (⭐4)
The Test Module for Play!Framework helps you write tests quicker, is a cleaner and reusable manner.
- [webdrive] Webdrive (⭐15)
 WebDrive module provides Selenium 2 testing support for Play framework
- [i18ntools] I18ntools (⭐7)
This module will add some tools to ease use of i18n in your Play! projects.
- [messages] @messages (⭐17)
 Module messages provides a web based tool for managing your application’s localizations.
- [nemrod] Nemrod (⭐17)
This module helps to import and export translations from your application to a Nemrod instance automatically.
- [play-i18ned] Play-i18ned (⭐0)
Converts default i18n files from an Excel Sheet and the other way around.
- [bespin] Bespin online editor (⭐11)
Allows you to edit all the application sources directly in the browser using bespin, the web code editor.
- [bhave] Bhave
Integrates with bhave, a web-based behavior driven development (BDD) framework, for web apps, done in a funky way!
- [cheese] Cheese (⭐1)
Simplified API for integration your application with the CheddarGetter subscription management service.
- [cnm] Content Negotiation
Helps using content types which are not directly supported by default such as VCard and Atom/RSS feeds using annotations.
- [externalconfig] External Config (⭐8)
Allows easy loading of external config / properties files. This allows for easy configuration of an app deployed in a war.
- [featureflags] Feature Flags
Enables you to easily use flags in your application that you can switch ON and OFF at runtime, using an admin screen.
- [googlecheckout] Google Checkout (⭐5)
Enable your Play application to integrate with Google Checkout as a merchant.
- [gravatar] Gravatar (⭐6)
 Integrate Gravatar into your Play application
- [hazelcast] Hazelcast (⭐22)
 Dropin replacement for EhCacheImpl or MemcachedImpl from Play
- [postmark] Postmark (⭐1)
 Postmark module provides easy integration with for handling outgoing emails
- [useragentcheck] UserAgentCheck
UserAgentCheck displays a banner to notify users when their browser is outdated.
4. Sublime Bookmarks
Things to Start From
- ShortcutFoo — shortcut usage training.
Extensions / General Purpose
- All Autocomplete (⭐917) — extends the default autocomplete to find matches in all open files.
- ApplySyntax (⭐342) — a plugin that allows to detect and apply the syntax of files that might not otherwise be detected properly. For example, files with the .rb extension are usually Ruby files, but when they are found in a Rails project, they could be RSpec spec files, Cucumber step files, Ruby on Rails files (controllers, models, etc), or just plain Ruby files.
- EditorConfig (⭐1.8k) — .editorconfig support.
- GitGutter (⭐3.9k) — a plugin to see git diff in gutter.
- Sidebar Enhancements (⭐2.2k) — provides enhancements to the operations on Sidebar of Files and Folders.
- Sublime Alignment (⭐522) — a simple key-binding for aligning multi-line and multiple selections.
- Sublime Worksheet (⭐334) — an inline REPL for JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and more.
- SublimeLinter (⭐2k) — a plugin that provides a framework for linting code. Whatever language you code in, SublimeLinter can help you write cleaner, better, more bug-free code. SublimeLinter has been designed to provide maximum flexibility and usability for users and maximum simplicity for linter authors.
- SublimeREPL (⭐2.1k) — runs an interpreter inside ST2 (Clojure, CoffeeScript, F#, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, MozRepl, NodeJS, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, shell or configure one yourself).
- Trailing Spaces (⭐890) — highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash.
Extensions / Ruby Profile
- ChangeQuotes (⭐123) — converts single to double or double to single quotes.
- BeautifyRuby (⭐258) — beautifies Ruby code.
- Sublime Ruby Debugger (⭐428) — a debugger plugin for interactive ruby and RoR debugging on Sublime Text.
Extensions / Python Profile
- Anaconda (⭐2.2k) — autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker and Vagrant for Sublime Text 3 using Jedi, PyFlakes, pep8, PyLint, pep257 and McCabe that will never freeze your Sublime Text.
- Djaneiro (⭐858) — Django support.
- Rope (⭐1.8k) — a Python refactoring library.
- SublimeJEDI (⭐939) — Python autocompletion.
- SublimeLinter PEP 257 (⭐10) — an interface to PEP 257 (⭐1.1k) (docstring style checker).
- SublimePythonTidy (⭐40) — PythonTidy integration.
Extensions / JavaScript Profile
- CoffeeScript (⭐292) — syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, compilation and more.
- JsFormat (⭐1.4k) — a JavaScript formatting plugin. It uses the command-line/python-module JavaScript formatter from to format whole js or json files, or the selected portion(s).
Extensions / Client Side Profile
- Emmet — a plugin for many popular text editors which greatly improves HTML & CSS workflow.
Extensions / Markdown Editing Profile
- Markdown Preview (⭐2.3k) — preview and build your markdown files quickly in your web browser from Sublime Text.
- MarkdownEditing (⭐3.1k) — powerful Markdown package for Sublime Text with better syntax understanding and good color schemes.
Extensions / Documentation and Help Systems
- GotoDocumentation (⭐128) — a plugin to jump to documentation for the current word.
- HowDoI (⭐220) — integration for instant coding answers search tool (⭐10k).
Integration / Documentation and Help Systems
- Alfred Workflow (⭐606) to open files and folders in Sublime Text.
- Command line usage (for OS X).
Fun stuff / Color Schemes
- Base 16 (⭐370) — carefully chosen syntax highlighting and a default set of sixteen colors.
- Solarized — balanced dark and light themes.
Fun stuff / Alternative Icons
Fun stuff / Monospace Fonts
- Consolas (goes with Microsoft Office)
5. Awesome Cpp
- Awesome C Programming Tutorials in Hi Def [HD] - A collection of detailed C Programming Language Tutorials for Beginners and New Programmers.
- C++ - by VoidRealms.
- C++ Qt Programming - by VoidRealms.
- C++ Programming Tutorials from thenewboston - These are all of thenewboston's C++ programming tutorials.
- C++ GUI with Qt Playlist - Official Playlist for thenewboston C++ GUI with Qt tutorials.
6. Critical Path Css Tools
Node modules
- Penthouse (⭐2.5k) - by Jonas Ohlsson generates critical-path CSS
- CriticalCSS (⭐1.7k) - by FilamentGroup finds & outputs critical CSS
Server-side modules
- ngx_pagespeed (⭐4.4k) - Nginx module for automatic PageSpeed optimization
Grunt tasks
- critical-css-casperjs (⭐68) - CasperJS script to pull critical CSS information from pages
Async load CSS
- loadCSS (⭐6.8k) - loads CSS asynchronously using JS. Research that led to this is also available.
- async & conditional loading - POC script for loading CSS files asynchronously and conditionally based on body tag classes
- asyncLoader (⭐0) - async script/stylesheet loader
- basket.js - async script/resource loader with support for localStorage caching. Can be extended (⭐19) to load stylesheets.
- Snippet by Scott Jehl
- CSSVacuum (⭐45) by ndreckshage
Render-blocking issues detection
- PageSpeed Insights DevTools extension - Chrome extension for running PageSpeed tests from inside the browser.
- PageSpeed Insights Checker for mobile extension - checks Mobile PageSpeed score for every page and gives you a handy preview.
7. Awesome Dotnet
Build Automation
- Invoke-Build (⭐663) - PowerShell build and test automation tool inspired by Psake.
- StackExchange.Exceptional (⭐863) - Error handler used for the Stack Exchange network
- MassTransit (⭐7.1k) - MassTransit is lean service bus implementation for building loosely coupled applications using the .NET Framework.
8. Awesome Android
- Cardslib (⭐4.7k) - Android Library to build a UI Card.
- AndroidStaggeredGrid (⭐4.8k) - Grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
Database / ORM
- ActiveAndroid - Active record style ORM.
Other / Custom Dialog
- ZXing Android-Integration (⭐30k) - Integration with Barcode Scanner via Intent.
9. Awesome R
Integrated Development Environments
- Emacs + ESS - Emacs Speaks Statistics is an add-on package for emacs text editors.
- R Commander - A package that provides a basic graphical user interface.
Data Manipulation
- tidyr (⭐1.4k) - Easily tidy data with spread and gather functions.
Graphic Displays
- rgl - 3D visualization device system for R.
Web Technologies and Services
- RCurl - General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface for R.
- httpuv (⭐229) - HTTP and WebSocket server library.
Machine Learning
- bigrf - Big Random Forests: Classification and Regression Forests for Large Data Sets
- bigRR - Generalized Ridge Regression (with special advantage for p >> n cases)
- CORElearn - Classification, regression, feature evaluation and ordinal evaluation
- CoxBoost - Cox models by likelihood based boosting for a single survival endpoint or competing risks
- ElemStatLearn - Data sets, functions and examples from the book: "The Elements of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman
- GAMBoost - Generalized linear and additive models by likelihood based boosting
- glmpath - L1 Regularization Path for Generalized Linear Models and Cox Proportional Hazards Model
- grpreg - Regularization paths for regression models with grouped covariates
- kernlab - kernlab: Kernel-based Machine Learning Lab
- ncvreg - Regularization paths for SCAD- and MCP-penalized regression models
- penalized - L1 (lasso and fused lasso) and L2 (ridge) penalized estimation in GLMs and in the Cox model
- quantregForest - quantregForest: Quantile Regression Forests
- REEMtree - Regression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel) Data
- Rmalschains - Continuous Optimization using Memetic Algorithms with Local Search Chains (MA-LS-Chains) in R
- rminer - Simpler use of data mining methods (e.g. NN and SVM) in classification and regression
- RSNNS - Neural Networks in R using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS)
- RXshrink - RXshrink: Maximum Likelihood Shrinkage via Generalized Ridge or Least Angle Regression
Websites / Manuals
- R-project - The R Project for Statistical Computing.
2017 / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews
10. Awesome Perl
Container / DSP
Web Frameworks / Coverage
Reverse Engineering / Middlewares
11. Awesome Coldfusion
- CFLib - Common Function Library Project
12. Awesome Javascript
Log / Runner
- console.log-wrapper (⭐406) - Log to the console in any browser with clarity.
- loglevel (⭐2.6k) - Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to wrap any available console.log methods.
13. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / Computer Vision
- DLib - DLib has C++ and Python interfaces for face detection and training general object detectors.
- Prev: Jul 20, 2014
- Next: Jul 18, 2014