Awesome List Updates on Dec 20, 2013
1 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Es6 Tools
- es6-transpiler (⭐217) - ES6 > ES5. Includes classes, destructuring, default parameters, spread
- Facebook's regenerator (⭐3.7k) - transform ES6 yield/generator functions to ES5
Module Loaders / Brunch Plugins
- ES6 Module Loader polyfill (⭐2.2k) (compat with latest spec and Traceur)
- js-loaders (⭐54) - Mozilla's spec-compliant loader prototype
- beck.js (⭐5) - toolkit for ES6 Module Loader pipelines, shim for legacy environments
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
- Polymer's WeakMap shim (⭐45)
- ES6 Map Shim (⭐24) - destructive shim that follows the latest specification as closely as possible.
- harmony-reflect (⭐445) - ES6 reflection module (contains the Proxy API)
Editors / Brunch Plugins
- ES6 syntax highlighting for Sublime Text and TextMate (⭐32)
- DocPad plugin for Traceur
- Prev: Dec 21, 2013
- Next: Dec 19, 2013